Friday, September 14, 2012

Getting There First With the Most

By John Taylor

"I got there first with the most" was General Nathan Bedford Forrest's contribution to the doctrine of mobile warfare. Now Forrest was a notorious and controversial figure even for the 1860's and this blog is not about him, but about this one tactical idea that made him successful on the battlefield.

Modern business is not the bloody conflict that was the American Civil War.  It is however very competitive and strategies and tactics for success are taken from many different aspects of life. So let's take a closer look at old General Forrest's notion to be there first with the most. If you were to name just a few of the businesses that are major winners in the world of commerce all of them have this one characteristic in their business plan.

How about Henry Ford? He certainly was the first when it came to producing motorcars for the masses. What about Motown Records and Berry Gordy Jr.? Most folks can't even name all of his top groups, but he practically owned the music of the 60's. A more contemporary list would include touchstones such as Google and Face Book along with maybe the company that makes those funny shoes called Crocs.

But the real question that is of foremost importance to small business owners and customers alike is “How do I do that?”  What tactic can I use to be the first with the most? For a business owner the unique selling point is paramount to this strategy. Find out what product or service in your inventory makes you different and unique from all of the competition. Once you have that point identified work on it and hone it to a fine edge. Make sure that your customers also know what the unique selling point is for your company. Use it in all your marketing and correspondence. Drive it home to all people who are interested in your business product. Make sure they realize that you alone will be able to deliver it first and with the most reliable and progressive product that is available.

Now if you are the customer don't you also want to be the first one to have this fantastic product or service? Customers will search through volumes of information to know that they are getting the most value, the most innovation and the most reliable product available. Customers want to be the first to try and the first to buy.  If you don’t believe me, wait until the new IPad 5 hits the shelves.

Getting there first with the most is no easy no matter what product or service you are trying to provide. The competition always strives to beat you to the punch. But with solid commitment and a little bit of creativity any small business can get there first with the most.

John Taylor strives the get there first with the most when it comes to inspecting industrial sites and tanks.  His company, Nova Data Testing is a leader in Ultrasonic Testing NDT.  Visit his site for a fascinating look at this industry.

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