Monday, September 24, 2012

Ultrasonic Testing NDT - When is it time to hang up your spurs?

By John Taylor

Since I have been trying to blog on a weekly basis the biggest problem has been coming up with the theme. While I think I have a great idea others might think it a bit dated or even nostalgic. And we all know these blogs need to be relevant, up to date and progressive. Here in lies the problem. The other day I was watching the news on NBC and along comes a promotion for Saturday Night Live. Now I used to watch the show before my bedtime was pushed back to 10:00 P.M., but I have not seen it in while. But when the commercial announced the guest host and the musical act I had not heard of either of them. So much for staying current.

But maybe blogging is just part of the challenge to stay hip, upbeat and in the social loop. This stimulated another discussion in my mind. When should an active upbeat and relevant boomer think about hanging it up? Here are my top ten reasons that it might be time to retire:

10.  They’re playing Amazing Grace and you are the only one lying down.
  9.  The nursing home has unplugged your scanner, computer and your respirator 
  8.  You need to take a week long vacation just to visit the doctor.
  7.  Your company car is a motorized wheel chair.
  6.  The only sales people who call on you represent mortuaries.
  5.  You have 2 gold watches.
  4.    Your secretary doubles as an intensive care nurse.
  3.  You are showing your great great grandchildren your office.
  2.  The new employee’s job has something to do with diapers.
      And the number one reason you need to retire.
1.      Your postponed Social Security payments exceed the entire value of the fund.

Since none of these reasons are on the horizon yet I will continue to think of more blogs and relevant topics. The most relevant I can think of is within my own Nondestructive Testing Industry. One of the most important aspects of any person’s career is to constantly study and train in their own profession. 

One of the best resources for continuing education as well as developing professional contacts is the association or society that is most identified with your industry. For the Nondestructive Testing field that is the American Society for Nondestructive Testing. This organization has a monthly magazine, continuing training and certification programs and local, national and international conferences. The organization was founded in 1941 and it has over 12,000 members worldwide.

No matter what field of endeavor an individual may be in, these organizations can help foster a real professional culture that allows its membership to stay relevant in a changing world of technology and globalization. Whether it be a blog or a training class or just a discussion with another worker the opportunity for success stays with the person who will invest the time and study in developing his or her own skill sets.

John Taylor is president of Nova Data Testing, a leading Ultrasonic Testing NDT firm.  For more information, go to

1 comment:

  1. An interesting article. I was sort of waiting for an article about ultrasonic testing to begin, but it never really came. That said, I enjoyed the casual tone and nature, which was refreshing compared to most other NDT blogs out, so I guess I'd say I overall enjoyed that article.

    - Zul TesTex NDT
